Fiasp insulin to remain on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme 18 September 2023 Diabetes Australia has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Health and Aged Care, Hon Mark Butler MP, that Fiasp insulin will continue to be available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 October 2023. Minister Butler has announced the new listing of Fiasp Penfill which contains the same insulin (fast acting insulin aspart) in the same volume as the previously PBS listed Fiasp FlexTouch, but is delivered through a different device. This follows the announced removal by the supplier of the products Fiasp and Fiasp FlexTouch (forms of fast acting insulin aspart) from the PBS earlier this year. Over the last 6 months the Government has negotiated with drug sponsor Novo Nordisk to list Fiasp Penfill as a new form of the fast acting insulin aspart. During this period, Diabetes Australia, along with our unifying health partner organisations the Australian Diabetes Society and the Australian Diabetes Educators Association, has been advocating to represent the voice of the community to both Government and Fiasp manufacturer, Novo Nordisk. This announcement will bring significant relief for the 15,000 Australians living with diabetes who use Fiasp. Diabetes Australia Group CEO Justine Cain applauded Minister Butler’s intervention which allows ongoing access to the insulin used by around 15,000 Australians living with diabetes. “Minister Butler has demonstrated that the Albanese Government understands how important it is to give people living with diabetes access to the affordable medicines and technologies they need to manage the condition,” Ms Cain said. “Diabetes is a demanding and complicated condition that needs constant monitoring. “Australians living with diabetes need access to the best available insulins and medicines, at affordable prices, to have their best quality of life and reduce the impact of diabetes-related complications,” Ms Cain said. Read Minister Butler’s media release.
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News 20 March 2025 Government moves to reduce the cost of PBS medicines The Federal Government has today announced that medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) will cost no more than $25... Continue Reading