Membership offer – Cook book Diabetes YOUnited is Diabetes Australia’s new, national, membership program designed to better support you on your diabetes journey. Join for free today and receive your free cookbook Join now and we’ll send you an email so you can download your cookbook. First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Mobile Date of Birth * State * Please select ACT NSW SA TAS VIC WA QLD NT Diabetes Type * Please select Type 1 Type 2 Pre Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Carer/Supporter Unknown No Diabetes Other Approximate Diagnosed Date What is the main reason you are joining? * Please select I need help managing my diabetes. I have very limited knowledge. I know some diabetes management basics but need help integrating it into my life. I want to connect with others with diabetes, share knowledge, and stay updated on management, research, and technology. I want to be part of a community advocating for people with diabetes, ensuring their needs are met through technology, medication, and management options. I want to belong to a diabetes community. I have all the information I need. I care for someone with type 1 diabetes and want to learn more. I care for someone with type 2 diabetes and want to learn more. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and want to gain information to help me have a healthy pregnancy. I have been told by my GP that I have pre-diabetes and want information to help stop progression to type 2 diabetes. Other How did you hear about us? * Please select NDSS event or expo Internet search Facebook Instagram Flyer in NDSS pack Phone call from Diabetes association staff member Healthcare Professional Glycemic Index Foundation referral Other Please select your complimentary digital gift with your membership * Please select Budget and Diabetes Friendly Recipes Cookbook * indicates required field. By joining you agree to the Diabetes Australia Membership Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. It appears you have already renewed your membership, do not have a valid email registered with your account or you have signed up to pay your membership via recurring installments. If you have any questions or you do not believe this is correct, please contact our helpline on 1800 177 055. Join now Please Confirm This email address is already linked to a Diabetes Australia membership. If you believe it might be yours, please call 1800 177 055 to confirm. If you share an email with another member only the current member will receive access to benefits and Diabetes Connect access. For your full member experience, use a different email address. Use a different Email address Continue Please Confirm Your details are already linked to a Diabetes Australia contact. Is this your current or previous postcode? Yes, this is my postcode No A great start Monthly newsletter: regular news and updates Longevity pathways: guided support and information from health professionals Diabetes Connect: community, forums and resources Conversations: regular webinars with health professionals Free to join Your member benefits Diabetes YOUnited Essential is our FREE level of membership, and provides you with access to a host of helpful benefits, created for you and approved by our team of expert health professionals. Diabetes YOUnited is for everyone living in Australia with diabetes and the people who care and support them. Becoming a member of Diabetes YOUnited doesn’t affect getting support from another local diabetes organisation. Local diabetes organisations work tirelessly to provide tailored support, community programs, and additional resources you may benefit from.