Visiting or Moving to Australia Before you travel to Australia for a visit or to live it’s a good idea to check the local health services available. Visiting Australia Depending on your home country, you may access health support when in Australia. Australia has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) with some countries, allowing you essential medical treatment. Access to medical treatment depends on your visa. Some visas from RHCA countries are not covered by the Agreements. Find out about the entitlements of your visa under Australia’s RCHA. Remember: To access Australian health services, bring your medical history from your doctor. Make sure to include specific details about your diabetes management. Visiting from a RHCA country Apply for a Medicare card If you are eligible for health services in Australia under RCHA, you can apply for a Medicare card for subsidised health care. A Medicare card will allow you to see a doctor or other health care professional at a lower fee. They can prescribe medicine some of which is subsidised under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Find out which medicines are subsidised under the PBS here. Register with the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) With your Medicare card, you can register with the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS). A registered medical practitioner (doctor, endocrinologist, obstetrician, credentialled diabetes educator or practice nurse) can sign your NDSS registration form. You will then receive a registration number and a card. Present your card at any NDSS Access Point, such as a pharmacy, to purchase subsidised NDSS products. You may be eligible for subsidised insulin pump consumables. Check your eligibility and complete a form to determine your eligibility here. Find out which products are available through NDSS here. Make sure to bring adequate supplies of medication, because NDSS registration may take some time to process. Get more information from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on the quantity of medication you can bring into Australia, and the medical documentation you need to present. Take out comprehensive travel insurance to claim a reimbursement on full-priced medication purchased before your Medicare and NDSS services are activated. Visiting from a non-RHCA country If you’re visiting from a country with no RHCA with Australia or travelling on a visa that’s not covered by the Agreements, you’re not eligible for a Medicare card and cannot register on the NDSS. As such, you will have to purchase products at retail price or via prescription from an Australian health professional. If you are emigrating to Australia, you should consider private health insurance options to help with the ongoing costs of your diabetes management. Get more information from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection on the quantity of medication you can bring into Australia, and the medical documentation you need to present.