We’re excited to introduce Diabetes YOUnited, our new membership program to support all Australians on their diabetes journey.
Whether your diabetes journey has just begun, or you have been on a journey for some time, we are here to support you. Because living with diabetes is a journey you don’t have to take alone.
As the national peak body for all Australians living with diabetes, you are at the heart of everything we do. We want to support you to live well. That’s why we launched Diabetes YOUnited – our new, national membership program for all Australians living with diabetes.
More than just a membership!
Diabetes YOUnited is more than just a membership – it’s Your Community. Your Connection. Your Journey. You will benefit from:
- A supportive network of people who have your back.
- Expert information and resources
- Support every step of the way from Australia’s largest diabetes community.
“I’m thankful for the Member Community Forum. It’s helped me to improve my understanding of T1 and its many variations. After about 43 years, as a T1 and about 10 years as a ‘gluco-typical aspirant, I’ve discovered a lot about T1 this year.”
Jock, type 1 member