DARP Research Impacts 2024 DARP Recipient Survey: Research outputs, outcomes and impacts of all grants dating back to 2008 – complete the survey Diabetes Australia is completing a systematic review to understand the long-term research outputs, outcomes, and impacts of past research projects, funded by Diabetes Australia donors. The insights you share about the impact your research has had for people living with diabetes and the health system will be used to help us engage with funding donors and determine priority research areas. Our advocacy and profiling of the outcomes and impacts of previous research investments to government, philanthropic funders and people living with diabetes will assist to support acquisition of additional funding to improve the sustainability of future research activities. In addition to reviewing final project reports received, we are encouraging all grant recipients to complete the follow up survey to assist us in building a comprehensive understanding of the long-term research outputs, outcomes and impacts of past research projects. The survey has been prepared for named Grant Recipients to complete dating back to 2008.