Health professional resources Here you can find useful information and resources available to healthcare professionals that provide guidance on how people can live well with diabetes and enable you to keep up-to-date with new and emerging technologies. Diabetes Australia produces a number of Diabetes Information Resources available to health professionals and the general public including a selection of: International publications, Reports, Information sheets Position statements Best practice guidelines You can also access resources via our Publications section. Some resources are developed through funding from the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) – an initiative of the Australian Government administered with the assistance of Diabetes Australia are available on the NDSS website. Type 2 Diabetes Risk Calculator Diabetes Australia has developed a Risk Calculator for type 2 diabetes based on the AUSDRISK tool. The risk calculator is a short list of questions to help both health professionals and consumers to assess the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over the next five years. The risk calculator can be completed by the patient or with the assistance of a health professional or practice staff. Patients aged 40 – 49 years with a ‘high’ score result from the risk calculator are eligible to attend a type 2 diabetes risk evaluation (MBS Item 713) by their GP. The tool is available in two formats: Diabetes Australia interactive diabetes risk assessment tool – online risk level calculator Non-interactive diabetes risk assessment tool Diabetes Map The Australian Diabetes Map is the only national map monitoring the prevalence of diabetes in Australia. The data contained in the Australian Diabetes Map is derived from the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) Registrant database and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and shows people diagnosed with diabetes that are registered on the Scheme. The Map uses geo-spatial mapping technology to present population data about Australians diagnosed with diabetes. The map reflects diabetes prevalence rates at a national, federal, state electorate, local government, primary health network, and postcode level based on NDSS data and ABS 2012-2101 population projections. It shows the numbers of people diagnosed with diabetes in all parts of Australia with information on age, gender, type of diabetes, ATSI status and socio-economic disadvantage. The Australian Diabetes Map is a dynamic reference tool for the whole community, our healthcare professionals, policy makers and researchers to help bring a better understanding of diabetes. Visit the Australian Diabetes Map Please provide your feedback on the map: [email protected] Diabetes referral pathways Available at For healthcare in Tasmania, you can refer a patient to Diabetes Australia using our online referral forms. Our team of qualified Diabetes Educators and Accredited Practising Dietitians are here to support your patients – wherever they are on their diabetes prevention or management journey. Clinical Consensus statements Management of type 2 diabetes in young adults Available at Technologies for people living with type 1 diabetes Available at Resources endorsed by Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) National diabetes resources endorsed by the ADS, available at Diabetes Australia’s Healthcare Professional Magazine The Diabetes Management Journal is a peer-reviewed publication of Diabetes Australia. The national magazine is sent to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) members, endocrinologists and health professionals. If you are interested in receiving the magazine, please contact your state or territory organisation. NDSS National Development Programs The National Development Programs were introduced in 2011 to explore opportunities for the development of information, resources or services to address areas of need. This included the adoption of a long term and nationally consistent strategic approach in the development of activities. This will strengthen the NDSS, community and workforce capacity to support people with diabetes in their self-management. Activities undertaken in the National Development Programs go through a review process and approved activities are rolled out nationally as Registrant Support Services. When rolled out, these activities will offer cost-effective long term benefits to people registered with the NDSS. Support for carers The Australian Government’s Carer Gateway has a range of information and support services to assist people who care for a family member or friend with a disability, frail due to age, have a medical condition or mental illness. The Australia-wide network provides many services to support carers in their caring role, including support groups, counselling, planned and emergency respite, coaching and skills courses. More information Professional development Find out more about professional development opportunities for diabetes healthcare professionals. Position statements Diabetes Australia also produces position statements on issues that impact people with diabetes, their friends, families and carers. Best-practice guidelines Created for practicing health professionals, Diabetes Australia has collated best practice guidelines developed by medical experts and researchers. These best-practice guidelines are for the prevention, diagnosis and management of diabetes.